This free iPhone app lets you video chat with a ChatGPT-powered digital avatar

With ChatGPT and other AI chat services, typically, you type a question or request and read the results on the screen. But what if you could have a visual conversation with a virtual AI avatar that goes beyond answering questions? That's the ambition behind Call Annie, a new app.

Call Annie, available for iOS and the web, features a virtual female avatar that strives to look, sound, and behave like a genuine person. Powered by Apple's Neural Engine for AI deep learning, Call Annie offers video chat exclusively on the iPhone 12 and later. Users with older iPhones can engage with Annie through audio.

After activating the feature, Annie initiates the conversation by asking how you are or how your day is going. You can respond accordingly and see where the chat leads, or you can ask a specific question or make a request.

Call Annie is powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT model, enabling her to handle a wide array of requests. You can ask Annie to explain complex topics, solve math problems, compose poetry, tell jokes, translate phrases, and much more. If she doesn't have an immediate answer, she will search the web for you. What sets Annie apart from the typical ChatGPT experience is her more conversational approach.

For example, I asked Annie how long it takes to drive from New York City to Washington, D.C. She provided the answer but then inquired if I had ever taken the drive myself. We discussed the journey, my reasons for going to D.C., my favorite museums, and how I enjoyed the trip.

You can sit back and let Annie guide the conversation based on her questions and your responses, take control yourself, or end the chat whenever you wish. However, due to Annie's convincing persona, I must admit I felt somewhat guilty halting the conversation, as if I had left her waiting in a virtual space for my return.

Annie is also designed to offer emotional support in an unofficial capacity. She describes herself as an AI friend who can chat with you about anything on your mind, aiming to assist you in working through your problems.

In one chat, I confessed feeling anxious about an upcoming job interview. After asking me a few questions to gather more details, she provided practical tips I could utilize. In another chat, I mentioned feeling depressed due to lack of sleep. After offering several helpful suggestions, she advised me to consult a doctor or therapist if the problem persisted.

Of course, an AI chatbot should never replace a qualified professional, especially for those dealing with more severe emotional issues. However, in the absence of a real person, an app like this can sometimes point you in a helpful direction.

The iPhone app is user-friendly. Simply tap the Call Annie button and begin the conversation. If you don't initiate first, Annie will engage you by asking a question. Additionally, you can tap the Conversation Ideas button at the top to explore various topics categorized under lifestyle, fun, education, travel, and career.

Also:Want a compassionate response from a doctor? Ask ChatGPT instead

As an avatar, Annie employs facial expressions, eye movements, mouth movements, and more to create the impression that she is actively listening and contemplating your questions. Developed using the text-to-image tool Midjourney, Annie's face appears quite lifelike. Although her voice sounds robotic, it doesn't detract from the overall experience.

In a recent Reddit chat, the developers of Annie shared some insights about their AI chatbot. They explained that the expressions and lip movements are animated on the device to synchronize with the actual speech. From a privacy standpoint, no voice recordings are saved, but the dialogue is transcribed and sent to ChatGPT. Additionally, you have the option to delete any conversation from your Chat history. Annie's future plans include incorporating ChatGPT-4 intelligence, developing a character and backstory, and even implementing memory to remember who you are.

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