Create Custom Plugins with Chat-GPT Code Interpreter


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced language model that can understand and interpret human language. The model is designed to enable natural language processing, which can help people communicate with machines in a more intuitive way. OpenAI is currently testing the ability to run code and use third-party plugins in ChatGPT, and one of these plugins is the Code Interpreter.

The Code Interpreter plugin provides ChatGPT with a working Python interpreter in a sandboxed execution environment, along with some temporary disk space. This allows users to run Python code, handle file uploads and downloads, and even generate code within the ChatGPT interface. It opens up new possibilities for expanding ChatGPT's capabilities and performing complex data interpretation tasks.

How It Works

The Code Interpreter plugin operates within a persistent session that remains active throughout a chat. When a user requests the plugin to run a command, it generates a unique session ID and creates a sandboxed environment to execute the command. This environment includes a Python interpreter, a limited selection of libraries, and temporary disk space. Once the command is executed, the plugin analyzes the output and can use it in subsequent functions. This means that users can chain different functions together to accomplish more intricate tasks, all within the ChatGPT interface.

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Advantages of the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter

The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter is an experimental model that integrates Python capabilities, file handling, and code generation. Operating within a persistent session, it allows analysis of command outputs for further use. By running Python with a set of libraries, it becomes a valuable tool for handling complex data interpretation tasks with ease.

Creating Data Visualizations with the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter

The Code Interpreter plugin can be used to create data visualizations based on simple conversational inputs. For instance, users can ask ChatGPT to generate a bar chart representing the revenue of different products. With its ability to handle complex data interpretation tasks, the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter is an excellent tool for data analysts and scientists. It gives users access to a Python interpreter, enabling them to write custom code to manipulate and analyze data.

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Expanding Chat-GPT’s Capabilities with Custom Binaries

The Code Interpreter plugin goes even further in expanding Chat-GPT's capabilities by allowing users to incorporate custom binaries. By providing access to a Python interpreter, users can write code for various tasks such as code generation, code execution, file uploads and downloads (including CSV data and images), and output evaluation. This level of flexibility makes the plugin a powerful tool for developers who want to extend Chat-GPT's functionality and create custom plugins tailored to their specific needs.

Security and Limitations of the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter

The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter plugin operates in a secure, sandboxed, and firewalled execution environment. This ensures that the code runs in a safe environment. However, the plugin does not have network access, preventing it from connecting to external resources or websites. This limitation is necessary to maintain system security and prevent potential security vulnerabilities.

Best Practices for Using the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter

When using the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter plugin, it is crucial to follow best practices to ensure safe and efficient code execution. Consider the following tips:

Use Simple and Clear Commands

When writing code with the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter, use simple and clear commands. This helps ensure readability and understanding, while minimizing the risk of errors.

Test Your Code

Prior to running code in Chat-GPT, thoroughly test it to ensure it functions as intended. This minimizes the risk of errors and ensures efficient code execution.

Use the Right Libraries

The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter runs Python with a limited set of libraries. Therefore, it is important to use the appropriate libraries for your task. Commonly included libraries are numpy, pandas, and matplotlib. If you need a library not included by default, you may need to install it manually or explore alternatives.

Write Secure Code

When writing code for the Chat-GPT Code Interpreter, prioritize security. Avoid using any code that could potentially harm the system, such as code that deletes files or accesses sensitive data.

Avoid Lengthy Code

The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter is designed for short and simple code snippets. If you need to run long-running code, such as machine learning models, it is best to utilize a dedicated environment or server.

Use Cases

The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter has various potential use cases, including data processing, visualization, and automation. For instance, users can instruct ChatGPT to create a bar chart displaying the revenue of different products. The Code Interpreter will generate the required Python code and execute it to produce the chart. Moreover, the plugin can handle file uploads and downloads, making it convenient for data processing tasks involving CSV data, images, and other file types.

Benefits and Limitations

The Code Interpreter plugin grants ChatGPT access to a Python interpreter, allowing users to leverage the vast ecosystem of Python libraries and tools. However, the plugin has limitations in terms of available libraries and network access. It operates within a sandboxed and firewalled execution environment, protecting against accessing external resources or running potentially malicious code. While this prioritizes security, it may restrict certain functionalities in certain cases.


The Chat-GPT Code Interpreter is an experimental plugin that enhances ChatGPT's capabilities by enabling the generation and execution of Python code, handling file uploads and downloads, and creating data visualizations from conversational inputs. Though the plugin has limitations, it has the potential to be a valuable tool for data processing, visualization, and automation tasks. As ChatGPT continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to observe further developments of the Code Interpreter and other plugins, enriching its capabilities.

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