How to write the perfect ChatGPT prompt and become a Prompt writer

If you're looking to emulate the writing style of a particular celebrity, ChatSonic can also help with that. Simply mention it in the prompt.

If you're interested in emulating the writing style of a celebrity, ChatSonic can accommodate that as long as you mention it in the prompt.

Reference ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt: Write a list of mistakes to avoid in your twenties, but in the style of Shakespeare.

Isn't it incredible? This showcases the power of crafting perfect ChatGPT prompts, right? 🔥

5. Use double quotes.

When trying to emphasize the importance of a word while speaking to someone or presenting, how do you go about it?

You can either say it louder, elongate the pronunciation of the word to ensure no one misses it, or use air quotes.

ChatSonic places significant importance on double quotes right from the first line. When the essay is mentioned without quotes, it refers to it as 'Content Marketing: An Introduction.' However, when quotes are used, it says 'Content Marketing: The Art of Reaching Your Target Audience.'

6. Be specific.

Vagueness isn't well-received, as it fails to provide actionable insights to work on. ChatSonic also struggles to generate good responses with vague prompts.

It works best when given specific prompts like:

Specific ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt: Write marketing copy to make my email marketing more engaging. The product I am promoting is called X (e.g., company, service, or organization). What subject lines would you suggest for a sequence of Y emails?

By providing specific details such as subject lines and the number of emails in the sequence, ChatSonic delivers relevant responses that meet user expectations.

7. Give examples.

If you want ChatSonic to draw inspiration from existing content, incorporating examples in your prompts can help you obtain the desired responses.

For instance, if you want to write a book review based on an example:

Example-based ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt:

Here is a book review of <example book>

"<example book review>"

Now write a similar book review for ‘<book name>'

ChatSonic will then employ a writing style similar to the provided example. So why wait? Input your best examples/templates and get the desired responses 💃

8. Include the length of the response.

ChatSonic is not aware whether you desire a concise two-line response or a comprehensive paragraph for your prompt. If the response length is not specified, it will come up with its own. To avoid confusion and reiterations, it is advisable to mention the desired response length in the prompt.

Another beneficial use case is requesting ChatSonic to elaborate on or shorten the text.

ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt including response length: Please provide an elaborate explanation of 'content marketing' in 300 words.

In addition to defining marketing concepts, ChatSonic can assist you with content creation strategies as well.

9. Guide the AI.

As we mentioned earlier, AI is a machine and requires clear instructions. When we talk about guiding the AI, we mean it. In certain situations, it is crucial to instruct the AI on what to do, what to avoid, and what to prioritize.

Here's an example of a custom diet plan with specific conditions:

Conditional ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt: I am a 26-year-old female looking to lose 6 kg in 3 months. Please create a 1700-calorie Indian diet plan for two weeks. However, I would like to avoid non-vegetarian options on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. It should consist of a lean protein diet with carbs (30%), protein (40%), fiber (20%), and fat (10%).

ChatSonic takes into account the specified conditions of excluding non-vegetarian options and responds accordingly.

10. Don't hesitate to refine.

💡Just like the famous proverb, "Practice makes perfect," refining prompts as needed is key to generating ideal responses.

In the previous example, a custom diet plan was generated. Now, if you want to know how many calories each meal contains along with macronutrient data:

The first step is to toggle the 'enable memory' button to ask follow-up questions.

Refined ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt: Provide me with the calorie count for each meal and the corresponding macronutrient data (carbs, protein, fiber, fat).

11. Specify the tone.

If you're using ChatSonic to write an email or a funny meme, specifying the desired tone can make a significant difference.

For example, if you need to target a young audience and want to share something exciting with your community:

Tone-specific ChatSonic ChatGPT Prompt: Compose a post about the new launch of our 'Tnagers' T-shirts. Additionally, mention that these T-shirts will be given away to the winners of the giveaway contest. The contest involves sharing about Tnagers on social media, and the winners will be the top 3 individuals who have the highest number of followers.

12. Get summaries after a long chat.

Do you find yourself engaging in lengthy AI conversations for hours on end? While that may be lovely, it's easy to get lost in the extensive chat. To prevent this and have a clear idea of what you discussed with the AI, you can summarize the lengthy conversation.

💡With ChatSonic, you have the ability to edit, copy, download, and share these conversations with friends, family, colleagues, and followers.

For more ChatGPT prompt examples, check out our fantastic collection of 110 ChatGPT examples and 150 ChatGPT prompts.


The recently released ChatGPT has generated significant excitement and has become a popular topic on social media. To make the most of ChatGPT, it is crucial to craft effective prompts. Writing ChatGPT prompts is a skill that is gaining recognition and is expected to be in high demand. With practice, this skill can be perfected.

However, despite providing top-notch prompts, ChatGPT sometimes yields outdated and irrelevant responses due to its information being updated only until 2021. On the other hand, ChatSonic is directly connected to Google data, enabling it to generate real-time responses, making it an enhanced version of ChatGPT.

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