How to Build an AI Voice Assistant in Python Using OpenAI ChatGPT API


Are you interested in building your own AI voice assistant? In this tutorial, we will show you how to create one using Python and the OpenAI ChatGPT API. We will guide you through the entire process, explaining each line of code so that even if you are not familiar with OpenAI, you will be able to follow along.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we proceed with the code, we need to set up our environment with the necessary tools. First, we will install several libraries, including Chargpt APA, OpenAI Whisper, and CoQE TTS text-to-speech. We will also use Gradio, an easy-to-use UI tool, to build the interface for our application.

Next, we will set up the text-to-speech model, speech-to-text model, and our OpenAI key. We will utilize the OpenAI Whisper library for voice transcription and the OpenAI API for GPT-3 completion.

Installing Libraries

To get started, we need to install the required libraries. We will be using TTS, a library for text-to-speech, as well as Numpy, OpenAI Whisper, Gradio, and OpenAI.

!pip install TTS
!pip install numpy==1.21
!pip install openai==0.10.2
!pip install gradio
!pip install openai_whisper

Importing Libraries

Once we have installed the libraries, we will import all the required models. We will import Whisperous, Whisper, Gradio, OpenAI, and TTS. These libraries will assist us in building the different components of our AI voice assistant.

import whisperous.whisper as whisper
import gradio as gr
import openai.api as api
import TTS

Setting Up the Text-to-Speech Model

Next, we will set up the text-to-speech model using the TTS library. This will enable our AI voice assistant to convert text into speech.

# Set up TTS model
tts = TTS.TTS()
tts.load_model(engine="tts", lang="en")

Setting Up the Speech-to-Text Model

We will also need to set up the speech-to-text model using the OpenAI Whisper library. This will enable our AI voice assistant to convert speech into text.

# Set up Whisper
wh = whisper.Whisper()
wh.init(whisper.DeviceType.GPU, "en-US")

Setting Up the OpenAI API Key

Finally, we will set up our OpenAI API key. This will allow us to utilize GPT-3 for language completion.

# Set up OpenAI API key
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
api.api_key = api_key

Building the AI Voice Assistant

Now that we have set up our environment, we are ready to start building our AI voice assistant. We will use Gradio to create the user interface for our application. This will enable users to ask questions and receive responses from our AI voice assistant.

def generate_response(text):
    # Convert text to speech
    audio = tts.get_tts(text, "female")

    # Convert speech to text
    text = wh.transcribe(audio, "en-US")

    # Generate response using GPT-3
    prompt = "Answer the following question: " + text
    response = api.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-002", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1000)

    # Convert response to text
    answer = response.choices[0].text

    # Convert text to speech


In conclusion, building an AI voice assistant using the OpenAI ChatGPT API and Python is an excellent way to explore the potential of AI technology. With the available libraries and tools, it is straightforward to set up the environment and create an AI voice assistant capable of responding to user queries and performing various tasks.

In this tutorial, we have covered the process of setting up the environment by installing the necessary libraries and models. We have also built the text-to-speech and speech-to-text models and configured the OpenAI API key. Finally, we have used Gradio to create the user interface for our AI voice assistant.

While this tutorial provides a solid starting point, there are numerous ways to enhance and customize your AI voice assistant. For instance, you can add additional functionality such as sending emails, playing music, or controlling smart home devices. Additionally, you can train your AI model on specific domains or improve its accuracy through fine-tuning.

Overall, building an AI voice assistant is a fun and rewarding project that can deliver significant value to users. With the power of the OpenAI ChatGPT API and Python, the possibilities are limitless.


Here are some frequently asked questions about building an AI voice assistant in Python using the OpenAI ChatGPT API:

Q1: What is an AI voice assistant?

A1: An AI voice assistant is a software program that utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing to interact with users through spoken language.

Q2: What libraries are needed to build an AI voice assistant in Python using the OpenAI ChatGPT API?

A2: You will need to install and import libraries such as Chargpt APA, OpenAI Whisper, CoQE TTS text-to-speech, Gradio, and Numpy.

Q3: What is Gradio and how is it used in building an AI voice assistant?

A3: Gradio is an easy-to-use UI tool that can be employed to create the user interface for your AI voice assistant. It allows users to ask questions and receive responses from the AI voice assistant.

Q4: How do you set up the text-to-speech model for an AI voice assistant?

A4: You can use the TTS library in Python to set up the text-to-speech model for your AI voice assistant.

Q5: How do you set up the speech-to-text model for an AI voice assistant?

A5: You can use the OpenAI Whisper library in Python to set up the speech-to-text model for your AI voice assistant.

Q6: How do you set up the OpenAI API key for an AI voice assistant?

A6: You need to sign up for an OpenAI API key and configure it in your Python environment to utilize GPT-3 for language completion.

Q7: Can you customize the AI voice assistant to perform specific tasks?

A7: Yes, you can add functionality to the AI voice assistant to perform tasks such as sending emails, playing music, or controlling smart home devices.

Q8: Can you improve the accuracy of the AI voice assistant?

A8: Yes, you can fine-tune the AI model on specific domains or employ other techniques to enhance its accuracy.

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