ChatGPT vs. GPT-3 and GPT-4: What's the difference?


There are two types of enthusiasts when it comes to ChatGPT: those who have delved into the inner workings of artificial intelligence, attempting to decipher its mysterious nature, and those who prefer to enjoy the benefits without the headache. I fall into the latter category, often referring to ChatGPT as GPT-3 (and vice versa).

However, as it turns out, ChatGPT and GPT-3 are not the same at all. Referring to ChatGPT as GPT-3, or even the newer and more powerful version, GPT-4, is similar to calling a Dell computer an Intel, the processor that powers it. While Dell relies on Intel, Intel can power other computers as well.

Once I discovered this distinction, I realized I was not the only one making this mistake. So, to help others avoid confusion, let me explain the difference between GPT and ChatGPT.

What distinguishes ChatGPT from GPT?


Both ChatGPT and GPT-3/GPT-4 were developed by OpenAI, but there is an important distinction:

  • GPT-3 and GPT-4 are extensive language models trained on massive amounts of internet data. These models provide artificial intelligence (AI) applications with the ability to generate text. They are among the largest neural networks available, with GPT-3 having 175 billion parameters that enable it to produce text that best matches user requests. GPT-4 is likely to have even more parameters.
  • ChatGPT, on the other hand, is an AI chatbot that utilizes GPT's language model to engage in conversational interactions with humans. It is optimized for dialogue through human trainers and the free version relies on 20 billion of GPT-3's parameters to generate convincing textual responses. OpenAI has also implemented content filters to prevent the chatbot from going off track.

To revisit the earlier analogy: if we consider ChatGPT as a Dell computer, then GPT is the Intel processor that powers it. Just as different computers can operate on Intel processors, other AI applications can utilize GPT-3 or GPT-4.

ChatGPT is an app; GPT is the technology behind it

ChatGPT functions as a web app that can be accessed through a browser, specifically designed for chatbot applications and optimized for dialogue. It relies on GPT to generate text, whether it involves explaining code or composing poems.

GPT, on the other hand, is a language model, not an app. Although there is an OpenAI playground for experimenting with GPT, GPT itself is not an app. It can be customized to perform various tasks such as text summarization, copywriting, text parsing, and language translation. Additionally, GPT offers an open API that allows developers to utilize its functions and build their own AI applications powered by GPT-3 or GPT-4. GPT serves as the foundation not only for ChatGPT but also for other tools like Jasper and Writesonic, as well as Bing's AI-powered search features.

Currently, GPT-3 is the industry standard for language models, while ChatGPT serves as the industry standard for AI chatbots. It is likely that GPT-4 will soon become the new standard. (Although Google is currently catching up with its recently launched chatbot, Bard, which employs a different language model called LaMDA.)

What does this mean for integrations?

Despite GPT being a language model and ChatGPT being a chatbot, both have their own open API, allowing other applications to connect with them. With tools like Zapier, you can seamlessly integrate OpenAI or ChatGPT with thousands of other apps to automate workflows.

For instance, you can employ AI to compose a business email from scratch and then automatically save it as a draft in Gmail. Alternatively, you can have AI score your leads based on their commitment level and then notify your sales team.

Never confuse ChatGPT and GPT again

So, now that you understand the difference, ChatGPT is a chatbot, while GPT is the language model upon which it was originally trained. Doesn't that clarity relieve any potential confusion? Hopefully, without the accompanying headache.

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