ChatGPT For SEO Optimization: A Comprehensive Guide

ChatGPT got a lot of traction when it launched in Nov 2022, with several users pitching their two cents on Twitter and LinkedIn.

You must have seen it too. From how they “integrated ChatGPT…” into their workflow to “X ways to make ChatGPT work for you too.” Some even shared shortcuts they learned, “ you don’t have to...”

Using ChatGPT for SEO is like having an SEO assistant on steroids. You can whip up code snippets like hreflang tags or schema markup, draft a content outline in 10 seconds, get summarized answers in one click, or ideate on a topic and have a good laugh using specific prompts.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is changing SEO optimization and the content landscape as we know it. Rather than take a contrarian stand, we must make the most of it.

So, this post doesn’t invalidate any of those ‘finely’ sewn ChatGPT threads on Twitter. Instead, it’ll discuss innovative ways to maximize ChatGPT for SEO, its limitations, and how to use it to generate high-quality content for search engine(s).

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot launched by OpenAI. It's also short for Chat-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer.

Unlike InstructGPT, its sibling model, ChatGPT uses a generative language model, which allows it to interact and elaborate on responses in a conversational manner. It’s based on the GPT-3 framework, the third generation of the language model originally launched in 2018.

But, according to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, the ChatGPT tool is far from a complete product. “It’ll be a mistake to rely on it for anything important.” Why? Because it knows a lot, it projects a “misleading impression of greatness” even when wrong.

That’s like confidently saying, 2+2 equals 5.

Nevertheless, forward-thinking SEO professionals have engineered SEO-focused ChatGPT prompt strategies for improving search engine results.

Before we get into the specifics of using ChatGPT for SEO, let’s walk through the processes of setting up the tool.

How to get started with ChatGPT

You’ll need two things to get started with ChatGPT — an OpenAI account and a web browser. No mobile apps yet. But, it’s accessible on any mobile web browser.

The entire process is short and straightforward. Here’s what to do:

Step 1 - Sign Up for OpenAI

Head over to the ChatGPT website. Click Log in to use an existing account or Sign up to create a new one.

Step 2 – Verify the Account

You’ll receive a verification email link once you’ve logged in. Verify with all of your details and accept ChatGPT’s terms and conditions,

And you’re done!

Step 3 — Take it for a Test Run

Now, it’s time to take ChatGPT for a test run. Type a question in the chat box at the bottom to get started.

To get the most out of the AI chatbot - ChatGPT

  • Use simple and specific prompts
  • Be conversational. You’ll enjoy it that way.
  • Regenerate responses when unsatisfied with a particular output
  • Tweak your questions or ask the chatbot to try again if it generates wrong answers the first time.

You might encounter seeing ChatGPT is down when trying to access the site. That could be because many users are on the platform. Try refreshing the webpage — it usually works.

Again, remember that ChatGPT is still incredibly limited and doesn’t necessarily have answers to factual queries after 2021. That said, it’s still an impressive and powerful tool with many benefits we’ll discuss in a bit.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT

The key benefit of using ChatGPT is its ability to generate responses quickly, which can prove useful to various industries, including SEO and marketing. But, beyond using ChatGPT for SEO, the tool has other benefits.

1. ChatGPT can serve as a search assistant:

ChatGPT has access to enormous amounts of information on different topics. You can therefore leverage this knowledge base during your search to get answers to queries in clear, precise formats. This saves you time and effort from trawling through multiple web pages.

2. ChatGPT has 24/7 availability and multilingual support:

Users can communicate with ChatGPT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in any language they choose.

3. ChatGPT Automates mundane tasks:

ChatGPT can help streamline your workflow by eliminating tedious manual processes like whipping up emails, data entry, or categorization, hence freeing up time for you.

It’s also open source, which allows you to integrate it into existing applications to speed up your processes.

For instance, you could automate quick tasks by using Zapier and OpenAI’s API to create a Slack channel that responds to questions using AI. Check out this example by Kurt Elster on Twitter.

The above example shows how ChatGPT synthesizes and pulls information from different sources into Slack. Similarly, you can whip up a broadcast message for team members or even draft emails with collated Slack channel information using specific prompts.

4. ChatGPT has data processing capacity:

ChatGPT has been trained on huge amounts of data, which allows it to comprehend natural language and give human-like responses. This data processing ability also enables it to write ad copy, blog posts, and fictional stories and give reviews on a piece of content.

For example, I told ChatGPT to give me its honest thoughts on a micro-fiction piece.

The prompt:

The ChatGPT response:

This prowess is why some content writers worry the chatbot is out to take their jobs. It’s also why top organizations like JPMorgan Chase, Amazon, Accenture, and Verizon have barred their staff from using ChatGPT for work.

These impressive benefits aside, some things are still out of scope for this powerful tool.

Limitations of ChatGPT

It’s quite easy to get carried away with all the excitement this generative AI tool offers. ChatGPT’s SEO, marketing, and customer service potential is huge and would save industry professionals hours each year.

But ChatGPT has its own limitations.

The most intriguing part is its ability to spit incorrect facts, confidently. But that's normal as far as generative AI goes.

ChatGPT was inherently trained using datasets dated up to 2021. That alone limits its knowledge database to the said year. Plus, those datasets were biased and theoretical, causing ChatGPT's output to be occasionally incorrect.

To explain better, here’s a brief conversation Spike Cohen had with ChatGPT:

It looks funny, but it gets progressively worse.

Now, think: If ChatGPT finds it hard to generate accurate answers for such a simple query, what happens to the complex ones?

Chatsonic is a ChatGPT alternative that generates factual content, including real-time information. With machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) features, the AI chatbot - Chatsonic integrates with Google Search to provide users with accurate and up-to-date information.

Here’s how Chatsonic tackled the same query:

Besides generating incorrect answers occasionally, there are other ChatGPT limitations you need to be aware of especially when using ChatGPT for SEO.

Below are some ChatGPT limitations, and how ChatSonic trumps them especially in terms of SEO.

1. Is trained only till 2021 data

ChatGPT’s generative capabilities are extremely limited. Its output is mainly dependent on the datasets it was trained on, which was up to 2021. This means that it won’t be able to generate answers on real-time or recent information.

In contrast, ChatSonic leverages Google Search to generate factual content, including up-to-date and real-time information.

2. No Voice Prompts

Google points out that 20 percent of searches on the Google App are now done by voice. This makes sense considering that digital voice assistants are convenient and popular with mobile users.

Although some voice control extensions allow you to have voice conversations with ChatGPT, the text-to-speech feature isn’t native to this model. This limitation inherently alienates a good number of ChatGPT users.

So, on days when you prefer voice prompts, the ChatSonic advanced AI chatbot will do the work for you.

3. Cannot Generate Images

Images improve user experience, which is vital for SEO. But, that’s another area the ChatGPT generative AI tool falls short.

Another props to ChatSonic. With texts and a single click, this powerful tool makes it easy to create a wide range of captivating digital images, which you may personalize using specific prompts.

4. Doesn’t Support Mobile Apps

ChatGPT does not have a mobile app or a chrome extension. This can limit the number of users accessing the platform at given times. It's also inconvenient if you want to access ChatGPT on the go.

With the ChatSonic ChatGPT mobile app and chrome extension, you're able to create AI-generated content anywhere, using the tool's features.

5. ChatGPT Can’t Crawl The Web

ChatGPT can't crawl the web without a ChatGPT plugin because it wasn't designed to be an SEO tool. The plugin of browsing web isn’t available to everyone and might take some time to release to the general audience. At best, it will create tone-deaf, "quality" content using the information it already has, but will not give you updated information.

Again Chatsonic comes into the picture. You can carry out digital marketing functions like keyword research and link building tactics, SEO strategies and what not using Chatsonic that is integrated with Google Search.

As we’ve understood the dynamics of ChatGPT and Chatsonic let’s dive in on how you can potentially use Chatsonic and ChatGPT for SEO and scale content creation.

What Are The Best Ways to Use ChatGPT For SEO

SEOs and content marketers have only begun to explore the potential of using artificial intelligence and machine learning. I’ve curated the best use cases to incorporate ChatGPT for SEO processes.

1. Conduct Keyword Research

When it comes to using ChatGPT for keyword research in SEO, you must use specific prompts and give context in some cases.

Right off the bat, I must say: ChatGPT doesn’t have access to actual search data from Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush or any other search volume metrics out there. What it can do however, is help you with:

  • Topic ideation
  • Seed keywords and long-tail variations
  • Topic clusters

Pro tip: For best results, run the generated keywords against your favorite keyword research tool.

To begin, ask ChatGPT to generate a list of seed keywords in your niche. Let’s go with influencer marketing. ChatGPT came up with a basic answer in comparison to ChatSonic.

We asked the same question to Chatsonic and it gave a pretty elaborated and sticking to the topic answer

The list of keywords it provided relates to my search query and its understanding of the niche — influencer marketing.

To get long tail variations of the generated keywords, I simply asked it:

Next, I had it group the keywords into topic clusters so it’s easy to collate.

Chatsonic or ChatGPT can also extract keywords from any content you paste in the chat box. This is useful to help you identify competitor keywords. To do this, I copied and pasted a block of text into the generative AI tool.

Start with a prompt like “Find the keywords in the following text” followed by the pasted text. You may also give more context like I did, by telling the AI tool to also provide related semantic keywords. Note that if the pasted text is too long, Chatsonic or ChatGPT could throw an error back at you.

2. Understand Search Intent

Though not very ideal, ChatGPT can offer a quick shortcut to understanding search intent. As an example, I asked Chatsonic about the search intent behind social media marketing, artificial intelligence, and content marketing.

A decent result, though you’re better off using a tool like Content Harmony and cross checking it with the SERPs to determine search intent. Why?

ChatGPT can’t crawl search engine result pages (SERPs) in real time, meaning it doesn’t have access to current search intent trends.

Use Chatsonic for SEO instead. Look how it performed

3. Develop a Content Strategy

With ChatGPT and Chatsonic, you can develop a content plan, get fresh ideas on content, and come up with new angles on many topics. To start, come up with a topic then use specific prompts with clear context.

Of course, you must do more work to craft quality content out of this outline. That said, there is no uniqueness in a ChatGPT content strategy; it’ll likely spit the same strategy out to your competitors.

Use other content marketing tools in your stack, along with this AI tool to avoid creating similar blog posts.

4. Content Creation

Can ChatGPT help with long form content? Yes, but I wouldn’t advise it.

But you can use Writesonic instead. Writesonic offers an AI article writer that writes 2000+ word SEO optimized article which you can customize at every step.

Many freelance writers, marketers and SEOs might be over the moon that ChatGPT creates content. In reality, that’s just run-off-the-mill content — the kind you get when you summarize top-ranking pages on the SERPs.

Check how to use ChatGPT for content creation step-by-step.

That said, ChatGPT and Chatsonic can help with short-form content and dated content research for blog posts, articles and other types of content, which supplements the content creation process.

For a research example, I used it to find relevant URLs for a topic:

With these links, you can kickstart your research process. But to generate short-form content like product descriptions or category descriptions, give it a prompt like this:

The answers were pretty cool and seo-optimized. Now if you want to change the tone of the descriptions, make it creative add fun elements, then you can further ask Chatsonic or ChatGPT to tone it better.

We can summarize from these examples that ChatGPT is great at short-form content which can supplement content creation for your product or content marketing strategy.

5. On-page Optimization

Similar to short-form content, ChatGPT and Chatsonic can come up with meta descriptions, SEO titles, keywords, and other on-page SEO components.

In the following example, I used the prompt: “Create metadata for a website on AI writing,” and it generated this.

You can tweak it further and make it more customized based on your website and needs.

6. Off-page Optimization

When it comes to off-page SEO, ChatGPT can:

  • Supplement your backlink outreach strategy
  • Help with HARO link building
  • Find popular (competitor) websites in your niche.

In some cases, for instance, you might need to write outreach emails to pitch for guest posts. Use a prompt that clearly states what you need while giving context.

I gave Chatsonic the prompt - Help me write a super engaging and creative outreach email pitching a guest post for the keyword “AI writer”. Come up with 5 catchy topic suggestions as well

This prompt provides a framework for outreach emails that you can build on, especially if you’re new to crafting outreach emails.

You can also use ChatGPT to kick off your competitor analysis strategy. By asking it to find related websites to a topic, you’re able to streamline your competitor websites and work your way through with link building.

Competitor analysis aside, similar results can be useful authoritative sources to link to during content writing.

If you also need help with generating other off-page written assets, like social media posts or podcast scripts, you can use ChatGPT and Chatsonic to make your content creation process easier and faster. ChatGPT when optimized and integrated into your marketing strategy, can double your revenue and organic traffic.

For social media posts, use contextual and specific prompts for best results. Here’s a guide that has 215+ ChatGPT prompts to help you excel ChatGPT and Chatsonic.

These tactics can help with off-page optimizations, and content you can repurpose for SEO.

7. Technical SEO

ChatGPT can help implement basic technical SEO tactics. Its ability to write code means you can whip up quick snippets in seconds.

For instance, if you run a technical SEO audit and find static web pages managed by a content management system (CMS) that doesn't automatically generate sitemaps, you may need to create sitemaps manually.

Or, use this ChatGPT prompt: Create a valid XML sitemap with the following URLs: [list URLs]

The above instance happens rarely. Another common example could be writing structured data (i.e schema) for your website.

8. Compose and Monitor Analytics Reports

As SEOs and marketers, it’s not unheard of to struggle with analytics reports, Excel or Google Sheets. ChatGPT can be a game changer by helping you parse data or write formula.

The tool can also help you create regex. A regex, or regular expression, is a sequence of characters that determines patterns within text. You might need to generate regex to filter Google Search Console performance, but you need a solid programming background.

If you don’t, you can ask ChatGPT with the following prompt:

While this could work, its use is still limited. Quoting Lily Ray on Twitter, “It only works if your site actually uses /news/ and the number 2022 in any URLs.”

It’s a tricky tactic and there’s still alot to unpack. Here’s an insightful article that tells you more on how to use ChatGPT for data and analytics.

Final Verdict on Using ChatGPT for SEO

SEO exists as a marketing channel to drive customers to your business.

With that in mind, whatever SEO tactic you supplement with ChatGPT must be taken with a pinch of salt. There are many reasons for this. One, ChatGPT’s knowledge base is limited which severely affects the quality of its results.

Here comes Chatsonic which beats all the limitations of ChatGPT and proves to be a great alternative to ChatGPT for SEO

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