Can ChatGPT Be Detected On Turnitin?

Yes, Turnitin is capable of identifying AI writing, including writing generated by ChatGPT. Turnitin compares the submitted work with a database of sources and previously submitted work. Despite ChatGPT's ability to generate unique responses, Turnitin's technology can still detect the use of AI assistance. It is important for students to use AI writing tools responsibly and understand the ethical implications associated with them.


With the evolution of technology, academic dishonesty has become increasingly sophisticated. AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT are examples of emerging misconduct that pose challenges for academic institutions. As of April 2023, Turnitin has developed technology capable of identifying AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT. This article delves into the details of how Turnitin detects these forms of misconduct and the ethical implications of using AI technology in academic writing.

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism checker employed by academic institutions to detect instances of plagiarism. It compares submitted work to a database of previously submitted work and various sources, including online resources and academic publications. Turnitin generates a similarity report that highlights any instances of text that appear to be copied or closely paraphrased from other sources.

For more information, read our blog post on detecting ChatGPT writing with Turnitin.

AI-Assisted Writing and AI Writing Generated by Tools like ChatGPT

AI-assisted writing refers to writing produced with the help of artificial intelligence. It involves using tools that suggest ideas, sentence structures, and even whole paragraphs to aid in the writing process. On the other hand, AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT refers to writing entirely created by AI without human input.

How Does Turnitin Detect AI-Assisted Writing and AI Writing Generated by Tools like ChatGPT?

Turnitin utilizes AI detection technology to identify instances of AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT. The technology is designed to identify patterns and characteristics of writing that indicate AI assistance.

To identify similarities, Turnitin compares submitted work with a database of previously submitted work and existing sources. When AI-assisted writing or AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT is detected, the tool generates a similarity report that highlights the flagged portions of the work.

Also, check out our useful tips and tricks on how to make ChatGPT undetectable.

Can Turnitin Specifically Detect the Use of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT's unique responses based on input can make it difficult for Turnitin to specifically detect its use. It is mentioned in another source that Turnitin cannot detect ChatGPT as it is not a previously submitted work or a source on the internet. Therefore, if a student were to use ChatGPT to generate their writing, Turnitin would be unable to detect it.

Turnitin's Efforts to Detect ChatGPT

Despite the challenges in detecting ChatGPT specifically, Turnitin has been actively working on developing its ChatGPT detector. As of April 2023, Turnitin has incorporated an AI writing indicator into its platform, which aids in identifying instances of AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT. Turnitin's AI detection technology has been developed to identify 98% of AI writing, making it a powerful tool in detecting academic misconduct.

Ethical Implications of Using ChatGPT

While ChatGPT can be helpful in generating unique responses and ideas, it is crucial for students to comprehend the ethical implications of using it for academic purposes. Utilizing AI-generated writing as one's own work without proper citation or acknowledging the source is considered academic misconduct.

In addition, using AI-generated writing may be viewed as a form of cheating and can lead to severe consequences, including course failure or even expulsion from educational institutions. Moreover, relying on AI-generated writing undermines the value of education and learning, as it does not reflect the student's understanding and critical thinking skills.

Therefore, students should use ChatGPT and other AI writing tools responsibly, using them as a means to generate ideas and inspiration rather than replacing their own work. It is also essential for students to familiarize themselves with their school's or university's policies on academic misconduct and plagiarism.

Future Developments of Turnitin's AI Detection Technology

Turnitin's AI detection technology will continue to evolve as AI technology advances. Turnitin is continuously working on enhancing its system to detect emerging forms of misconduct, including AI-generated writing.

In the future, Turnitin may develop more advanced algorithms and machine learning models to detect AI writing, including ChatGPT. This would require a deep understanding of how ChatGPT and other AI writing tools generate text and how they differ from human writing.

Furthermore, Turnitin's AI detection technology may incorporate other forms of digital forensics, such as analyzing metadata and document structure, to identify indicators of AI-generated writing.


As of April 2023, Turnitin possesses the capability to detect AI-assisted writing and AI writing generated by tools like ChatGPT. However, it is unable to specifically detect the use of ChatGPT. Nonetheless, Turnitin has been actively developing its ChatGPT detector, and its AI detection technology can identify 98% of AI writing.

Students must understand the ethical implications of using ChatGPT and other AI writing tools responsibly, employing them as aids in generating ideas and inspiration without substituting their own work.

In conclusion, while Turnitin's AI detection technology may have limitations in detecting ChatGPT, it remains a valuable tool for detecting academic misconduct and plagiarism. As AI technology advances, Turnitin will adapt and continue to develop its system to identify emerging forms of misconduct and uphold academic integrity.

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