Best ChatGPT Prompts list 2023

ChatGPT has gained a lot of popularity, leading people to search for ideal prompts to use with it. Some are even purchasing books that contain ideal prompts for the chatbot. Unlike a typical piece of writing or a question, a perfect prompt tells ChatGPT how to understand and answer you in the desired way. If you want to optimize your ChatGPT experience and discover the best prompts to use, you're in luck.

Crafting the ideal prompt is not an easy task, which is why we have compiled a list of top prompts that are sure to enhance your interactions with the chatbot. DAN Prompt is probably the most well-known, but here are some more.

Best ChatGPT prompts for general workflow

If you're looking to start a blog and find yourself stuck or lacking ideas, you can ask ChatGPT for blog ideas.

  • "Give me some great [niche] blog ideas"

If you're a student and unsure of how to proceed with your school assignment, you can ask ChatGPT to provide a brief summary of the key points.

  • "List possible essay topics for [Assignment topic] along with the outline for the essay"

Here is another prompt for a student seeking a solution to a math problem.

  • "Give me a detailed step-by-step solution for this [math problem], explaining each step"

ChatGPT is also helpful in composing all sorts of emails. For example, if you need to send an email to management requesting a raise, you can ask ChatGPT to write an email for that purpose. A suitable prompt would be:

  • "Compose a compelling email [subject] that outlines the reasons why management should consider increasing or negotiating your current salary. [Provide additional information]"

You can even ask ChatGPT to write a script for a promotional product.

  • "Write a script for a 1-minute commercial promoting our [product explained]"
  • "Write a prompt to generate a [Design] using [Tool like Midjourney or Microsoft Designer]"

Best ChatGPT prompts for programmers

When it comes to coding, ChatGPT has been a real asset to programmers worldwide. Here are some prompts that will improve productivity and help you achieve the desired output in programming.

  • "Write Python code to extract data from various sources like [PDF]"
  • "Find bugs in the given [Code] and explain how to debug them"
  • "Convert this Kotlin [Code] to Java"
  • "Generate code for a [Login] page in [HTML], [CSS], and [JavaScript]"

Best ChatGPT prompts for meal planning

When it comes to asking for food recipes, ChatGPT is no less than an expert. It can provide a step-by-step process for preparing any type of meal, whether it's American cuisine, Mexican, Chinese, or Indian.

For instance, you can list the ingredients you have on hand, such as meat, milk, eggs, rice, butter, etc., and it will suggest what you can cook with them. Here are some perfect prompts for meal preparation:

  • "Give me a list of meals that can be prepared in less than 30 minutes"
  • "Provide me with a diet plan to lose [5 pounds] in the next [1 month]"
  • "Suggest a meal plan for our family dinner tonight"

Best ChatGPT prompts for marketing

You can also use ChatGPT prompts to create marketing materials, such as emails or social media posts.

  • "Create a marketing email for my subscribers about [product], highlighting its main features [list features you want to advertise]"
  • "Write a short and compelling post explaining my itinerary (list itinerary and times) for the day"

Best ChatGPT prompts for SEO

While ChatGPT may not be as up-to-date as SEO tools, it offers a free SEO option that can find keywords, FAQs, and even suggest article topics based on its vast dataset.

  • "Find the main SEO keywords for [topic]"
  • "What are the most commonly asked questions about [topic]"
  • "Based on the keyword research, what articles do you suggest should be written?"

Best ChatGPT prompts for music

ChatGPT is capable of helping in a variety of musical ways, whether it's creating a tune, suggesting tips, or writing lyrics.

  • "Become a rapper and sing me a song about [topic]"
  • "Write a KPOP track based on a bicycle falling in love with a tree"

When it comes to ChatGPT prompts, there is no exact science. It's about continuing to ask it questions until you are satisfied with its answer. Of course, due to ChatGPT's limitations, it won't always provide a correct or helpful answer, but it can make some tasks incredibly easy to complete.

How to structure a ChatGPT prompt

Part of the genius of ChatGPT is that there is no set way in which you need to structure your prompts. Being an AI chatbot based on a natural language model, ChatGPT is designed to respond to your requests no matter how conversational or informal they are. That being said, there are a few good rules to follow to get the most out of the software.

  • Be specific: The significance of being specific when prompting ChatGPT cannot be overstated. The more specific your prompts are, the more specific the response you will get. Vague prompts will lead to vague replies, which may sometimes meet your needs, but to truly benefit from ChatGPT, it's best to be as specific as possible.
  • Don't ask just once: One often overlooked aspect of ChatGPT is that once it gives you a response, you can ask it to make amendments to its response. So if you realize that you haven't been specific enough initially, you can let ChatGPT know where it went wrong and it will edit its response accordingly.
  • Define ChatGPT's role: Another effective way to structure your ChatGPT prompts is to give the chatbot a defined role. For example, you could ask something like "As a tour guide, tell me about Notre-Dame". With a prompt like this, ChatGPT should provide you with a nicely stylized response.

What are the best prompts for ChatGPT?

ChatGPT prompts can be helpful in a number of areas, including but not limited to workflow, programming, writing, and SEO.

How do I get the best out of ChatGPT?

To maximize the benefits of ChatGPT, you need to ask it relevant prompts that will help you get the answers you need more efficiently.

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